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Ethiopia, the Land of Origins

Ethiopia, the Land of Origins, is where the seeds of Pan-Africanism were first sown. As the only African country that defied colonialism, Ethiopia has long been a powerful inspiration for the founding fathers of the movement. Going beyond providing inspiration, the country also offered support and training to African freedom fighters including Nelson Mandela.

At the core of Pan-Africanism lies ‘Ethiopianism,’ a movement based on the ideals of dignity and defiance. Notable figures such as Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Du Bois drew inspiration from Ethiopia’s defiance against colonial rule, which reinforced the idea of African unity. Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie further cemented the country’s Pan-African legacy by advocating for African solidarity and independence in his speeches and actions, notably during the formation of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. Today, Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa hosts the headquarters of the African Union.